A Resounding Start: The Inaugural Joint Kids Training Session

In a resounding kickoff on the 11th of November, the joint efforts of the dedicated Nederlandse Kendo Renmei (NKR) Youth Leaders Patrick Bakker (Mokuseikan) and Sjoerd Kater (Kendo Kai Den Haag (KKDH)) manifested in the first session of the long-awaited 'Joint Kids Training'.

(JKT). Held at the regular venue for KKDH’s kids' training in sportcampus Zuiderpark, this event saw an impressive turnout of 30 enthusiastic youngsters hailing from six different dojos. It was undeniably the largest gathering of young kendo practitioners in years!

The dynamic duo Taichi and Pakwan, esteemed members of the Dutch National team, generously lent their expertise to lead the training session. Assisted by the dojo leaders when needed, the pair guided the eager participants through an engaging program that encompassed.

essential elements of kendo. From refining footwork to mastering kihon drills, the training session provided a comprehensive and well-rounded kendo experience.

A notable highlight of the day was the inclusion of a team shiai, injecting a spirit of friendly competition and camaraderie among the young practitioners. The atmosphere was charged with excitement, not just because there was only a prize for the winning team but also to showcase their skills, putting into practice the techniques they had learned throughout the session.

This inaugural event marked the beginning of the rejuvenated and re-envisioned 'Joint Kids Training,' promising a revitalized platform for young kendo enthusiasts to grow and excel in their practice. The success of the first session sets a high bar for the subsequent events.

The journey doesn't end here, as the organizers have already outlined plans for future sessions. The next installment is scheduled for March in Amersfoort at Mokuseikan, followed by sessions hosted by Renshinjuku and Washinkan. The diversity in venues reflects the collaborative spirit and widespread support for the JKT initiative within the kendo community.

Heartfelt appreciation goes out to all who contributed to the success of the event—Taichi and Pakwan for their guidance, the participating kids who brought their energy and passion, the dojo leaders (Renshinjuku, Mokuseikan, Washinkan, Sakura Kai and Kendo Kai Den Haag), and, of course, the supportive parents. The resounding success of the first Joint Kids Training session sets a promising tone for the future, fostering a sense of unity and growth within the Dutch kendo youth community.

See you next time!

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