In a resounding kickoff on the 11th of November, the joint efforts of the dedicated Nederlandse Kendo Renmei (NKR) Youth Leaders Patrick Bakker (Mokuseikan) and Sjoerd Kater (Kendo Kai Den Haag (KKDH)) manifested in the first session of the long-awaited 'Joint Kids Training'. (JKT). Held at the regular venue for KKDH’s kids' training in sportcampus […]
Kendo 剣道
'The Way of the Sword' – modern Japanese martial art of fencing based on the katana

The screams can be heard from a distance. Up close, the equipment is also noticeable. The opponents briefly feel each other out; suddenly, an attack. The fierce attack cries (kiai), the loud blows of the bamboo swords (shinai) on the protective armor (bogu): kendo is impressive to see. Speed, perfect timing, good technique and great endurance are important, but etiquette also plays an essential role. As the saying goes, training begins and ends with rei (etiquette). We do Kendo together with respect and gratitude for the other.
The concept of kendo is: “to discipline human character through the application of the principles of the sword.” This has remained unchanged in recent decades, as have the traditions traditionally present in budo. It may sound like kendo is a rigid and unchanging martial art, but nothing could be further from the truth. Kendo is always evolving and the same can be said about any kendoka. At Kendo Kai Den Haag we pursue the same principles and have a common goal, both adults and kids.

Youth/kids kendo
'The youth has the future'. We think so too and that is why we play a prominent role in youth and kids kendo. We are one of the few dojos in the Netherlands and the only one in the Randstad offering youth lessons. The kids are taught kendo under the guidance of several teachers.
Kendo develops discipline, etiquette, self-confidence, endurance and perseverance. Kendoka, young or old, learn that kendo is not about winning, but about the courage to compete and learning to put time and effort into yourself. We do this in a relaxed atmosphere, with an eye to your own pace and proper guidance. It is of course always possible to come and watch or participate with your child.
Kendo develops discipline, etiquette, self-confidence, endurance and perseverance. Kendoka, young or old, learn that kendo is not about winning, but about the courage to compete and learning to put time and effort into yourself. We do this in a relaxed atmosphere, with an eye to your own pace and proper guidance. It is of course always possible to come and watch or participate with your child.
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